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June 2, 1953
Keith Richards: The Biography, Victor Bockris, Da Capo Press, 2003.
June 3, 1970
Chronology of American Popular Music, 1900-2000, Frank Hoffmann, Routledge, 2008.

June 11, 1968
Old Gods Almost Dead: The 40-Year Odyssey of the Rolling Stones, Stephen Davis, Broadway Books, 2001.
"Keyboardist Nicky Hopkins Out to Conquer 'Earth,'" Justin Mitchell, The Miami News, Aug. 15, 1964.

June 14, 1952
Myxomatosis, Frank Fenner and F.N. Ratcliffe, Cambridge University Press, 1965, pg. 310.
June 15, 1824
Andrew Johnson: A Biography, Hans L. Trefousse, W.W. Norton, 1989, pg. 23.

June 16, 1903
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